"The end of 立ち読み (Tachiyomi) is the beginning of みほん (Mihon)"
Credit to LinkCable, the icon designer, for this poetic quote.
What's New?
Well, nothing, except you now you need Android 8+ to install...
Need to try the migration from J2K to this on my spare phone before committing. 😅
This image gives me anxiety. Good luck with any kind of migration! The most I have done so far is I updated my Tachiyomi to the external extensions repo and I downloaded the apk for Mihon, but haven’t installed/migrated yet.
This image gives me anxiety. Good luck with any kind of migration! The most I have done so far is I updated my Tachiyomi to the external extensions repo and I downloaded the apk for Mihon, but haven’t installed/migrated yet.