He/Him Jack of all trades, master of none

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Akudama Drive was rad as hell. GitS is obviously a classic. Belle… is certainly a movie. By all rights it should be such a great movie. The soundtrack is amazing, even the dubs sound good. The animation is beautiful. But my suspension of disbelief can’t handle the game they’re playing. I’ll spoiler tag my main problems with both types of tag, so it should work no matter how you’re viewing lemmy

    Belle spoilers

    Is it PVP or PVE? Is it a massive sandbox? Are the no admins? >!Why is there The Gun That Doxxes People?!< That one is the thing that I really couldn’t take seriously. Like, I can handle the disconnect between what appears to be a PVE world and the PVP elements that we see–maybe it’s just part of the game’s social structure that everyone agrees to no attacking people in cities. I just can’t get over that >!Gun That Doxxes People!<. What psychotic programmer makes that item? How does the game still have players when they know that someone can always come by and >!shoot them with a Gun That Doxxes Them???!<

    Other than that it’s so good. I just couldn’t keep my suspension of disbelief intact.

  • I’ve been tempted to post an Old Anime Discussion thread. I don’t keep up with what’s new, because I like to watch an entire series at once before starting another one, so I mainly stick to older shows. I super don’t watch new episodes weekly unlike most anime fans.

    I miss the other website, where I could read through years of discussions about shows like Shinsekai Yori and Mushishi. The more time passes, the more I feel like breaking the strike and posting there again.