After an incredibly troubled production process, this show is slated to end its run on the 25th with a batch release of the remaining three episodes. They released a recap episode to youtube if you need to jog your memory of what’s been going on. Synopsis from AniList:
Surviving a zombie apocalypse beats being a wage slave any day! After spending years slaving away for a soul-crushing company, Akira’s life has lost its luster. He lives in a trash-filled apartment, his pay is abysmal, and he can’t even muster up the nerve to confess his love to his beautiful co-worker. But when a zombie apocalypse ravages his town, it gives him the push he needs to live for himself. Now Akira’s on a mission to complete all 100 items on his bucket list before he…well, kicks the bucket.
I just started watching this recently, what kinds of troubles did the production go through?
Here is an article summary of all the different delays that happened. I never saw specific issues other than timeline pressures which points to poor project management and planning.