I’m sure this gets brought up every so often, but does anyone know the status of the merger? It went from “everything from Funimation is moving over!” to “we’re working on it”. It’s been quite a while now and there are still quite a few series I can only find on Funi. Generally they’re older series. I’m wondering if they’re having licensing issues moving things over. The really weird part is I see they’re still adding new content to Funi, a platform that was supposedly going away. I’m keeping my subscription until they’ve fully moved things over.

  • wjs018@ani.socialM
    8 months ago

    I don’t have a good answer for you since I ended my funimation sub a while back. It is surprising to hear that content is being added. I had thought that all new content was supposed to be on CR going forward. At least, that is what their hilariously unhelpful FAQ says. I tried some quick searching to look for an answer, but came up pretty empty.